Category Archives: Atlantis

Unifying the inner archetypes of Leumria and Atlantis

As you probably know, once there were two mighty cultures on this planet called Lemuria and Atlantis. Generally speaking, Lemuria was more feminine and Atlantis was more masculine. Both cultures were very advanced, and both thought they were more “right”, then the other one.
Right and wrong is, off course, a matter of point of view. If you are a Lemurian then your way seems to be the right way. If you are an Atlantian then your point of view is the right one of course… 🙂

Because both cultures deemed themselves to be right, they inevitably went into war, on who was more “right” then the other.
As we all know, both cultures were wrong and they both lost:
Atlantis won the war and destroyed Lemuria (I was there and seen the destruction). But once Lemuria sank, the balance of the Earth was lost and as a result Atlantis sank too (I watched that too from the deck of a ship).

So in a way both of the cultures lost the war, because they went into war in the first…

Although Atlantis sank, their methods and ways of thinking are the ones who control the Earth today. If you live in the western society you only need to look around you: this is Atlantis. The masculine Atlantian energy is the one controlling the planet at the moment.

When one energy controls the other – an imbalance occurs. Since all life naturally tends to return to equality, this is the process we are witnessing in the last few centuries:
The feminine energies are becoming stronger so as to balance the controlling masculine energies.
In a way, the Lemurian feminine way of thinking is raising too, so as to balance the Atlantian way of thinking.

Balancing yourself through the heart

As you all probably know, life is always fluctuating between two polarities, until a balance is achieved.

A graph showing how the cultures Atlantis and Lemuria are slowing balancing themselves out.

We also fluctuate between light and darkness, while trying to maintain a balance between the two.
This is what is happening on the Earth today: We are entering a period where the female energies will be more dominant for a while (see the red dot on the graph). In the far future, the energies of the Earth will again fluctuate to the masculine side; Then to the feminine side; then to the masculine, etc. Until a balance will be reached between the two energies.

Because of this shift in polarities between feminine and masculine energies, all the old buried wounds, of the war between Lemuria and Atlantis, are raising again.
This shift in polarities is also placing each one of us in an unbalanced state as well. In a way: the inner Lemurian is raising and the inner Atlantian is resisting this inner change.

How can we face this inner change and still remain balanced?
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Reunification of the Crystals of Lemuria and Atlantis

At the 22 of September 2009, I got a phone call from my friend, “Blue”. She told me that her friend from Estonia has come to visit her and asked me if I’d like to come and meditate with them. She said her intuition has told her to call me.

When we gathered at Blue’s house, none of us knew what we were going to do together. Blue mentioned that her friend, “Red”, used to be a Lemurian, in a previous life. I knew that Blue and I were ex Atlantians. The minute she mentioned her friend’s origin I knew what we should do: unite the crystals of Lemuria and Atlantis. I also suddenly knew that Red was an ex Lemuria priestess and that Blue was an ex Atlantian priestess.

As many of you know, mother Earth has moved into the Crystal energy era on 9.9.09. It was time to unite the male and female energies of the crystal network.

We called upon the Lemurian and Atlantian priestesses and asked them to join us in the meditation, and help us and protect us from harm. Then we went on two separate trips: Red went to the Lemurian temple and connected her heart to the Lemurian crystal energy. Blue went to the Atlantian temple and connected her heart to the Atlantian crystal energy. Then they connected their hearts together and joined the two Crystal energies into one. They then sent the unified energy to all of Humanity until the Atlantian and Lemurian energy nets became aligned and unified into one net.

Blue said that two energy spirals has started in her and that the spirals has unified the right and the left side of her brain into one. I felt the same effect in my body as well.

A week later we met again and meditated again. This time we did some shamanic traveling together. When I returned home that night I didn’t feel well. I went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night with a huge pain in my abdominal area and new memories from my life in Atlantis.

for a few years now, I knew that I was the commander of the Atlantian army and hence also member of the ruling council of Atlantis. Our decisions in the council have led directly to the fall of Atlantis. I have made my peace with that part of my life.

That night, more memories from my time in Atlantis has surfaced: I remembered how we fought a war against Lemuria. I remembered how the Lemurians has killed my son, who was a soldier as well. I remembered how I went on a personal revenge trip against the Lemurians. I remembered how the Atlantian crack divisions has landed in Lemuria and destroyed it. I remembered how we found out that destroying the Lemurians meant that planet Earth has lost her energetic balance and that because of that Atlantis will be destroyed as well. I remembered that we organized a massive evacuation of Atlantis and tried to save as many people as we could. My last memory is standing on a deck of a ship and watching my beloved Atlantis ink in a hail of Volcano eruptions.
Continue reading Reunification of the Crystals of Lemuria and Atlantis